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Working hours  are from Saturday to Thursday |From 10 am to 6 pm


IM TRUST for sports construction and landscaping works

IM TRUST Company products for sports construction and landscaping

We supply and implement, under our own brand IM TRUST, all sports constructions – artificial turf, landscaping, tartan flooring, acrylic flooring, rubber tiles, polyurethane floor coverings for outdoor areas and acrylic floor coatings.
Design and implementation of all industrial and natural landscape works (trees, flowers, palm trees) and irrigation networks
Stadium accessories – stadium lighting

اي ام تراست

Tartan flooring

اي ام تراست اكريليك

Acrylic flooring

اي ام تراست

Rubber flooring

اي ام تراست الفنييل

Vinyl flooring

اي ام تراست نجيل صناعي

Artificial grass

اي ام تراست

Land scape



الزرع فى منتجاتنا 1

Planting beds

اي ام تراست زينة وزهور ونخيل فى منتجاتنا 1

Ornamental plants, flowers and palm trees


year of experience


Countries Our business in


sports facilities have been implemented
رولات مطاطية

Success Partners

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